hukuman (psikologi) bahasa Inggris
- hukuman: conviction; liberty punishment; penalty;
- psikologi: psychology; psychology sidebar; psychological; psychological science; psychonomy; social science
- hukuman: conviction; liberty punishment; penalty; punishment; sanction; sentence; punishments; chastisement; disciplinary; face the music; penal; penance; retribution; torture; trouncing; adjudication; thras
- hukuman-hukuman pokok: cardinal sentence; principal sentence
- ahli psikologi: psychologists; psychologist
- cabang psikologi: branches of psychology
- depresi (psikologi): depression (mood)
- desensitisasi (psikologi): desensitization (psychology)
- fenomenologi psikologi: psychological phenomenology
- filem psikologi: psycho (franchise) films
- kompartementalisasi (psikologi): compartmentalization (psychology)
- konsep psikologi: psychological concepts
- manipulasi psikologi: psychological manipulation
- minimalisasi (psikologi): minimisation (psychology)
- pemaknaan (psikologi): meaning (psychology)